Source code for stadv.losses

import tensorflow as tf

[docs]def flow_loss(flows, padding_mode='SYMMETRIC', epsilon=1e-8): """Computes the flow loss designed to "enforce the locally smooth spatial transformation perturbation". See Eq. (4) in Xiao et al. (arXiv:1801.02612). Args: flows (tf.Tensor): flows of shape `(B, 2, H, W)`, where the second dimension indicates the dimension on which the pixel shift is applied. padding_mode (str): how to perform padding of the boundaries of the images. The value should be compatible with the `mode` argument of ``tf.pad``. Expected values are: * ``'SYMMETRIC'``: symmetric padding so as to not penalize a significant flow at the boundary of the images; * ``'CONSTANT'``: 0-padding of the boundaries so as to enforce a small flow at the boundary of the images. epsilon (float): small value added to the argument of ``tf.sqrt`` to prevent NaN gradients when the argument is zero. Returns: 1-D `tf.Tensor` of length `B` of the same type as `flows`. """ with tf.variable_scope('flow_loss'): # following the notation from Eq. (4): # \Delta u^{(p)} is flows[:, 1], # \Delta v^{(p)} is flows[:, 0], and # \Delta u^{(q)} is flows[:, 1] shifted by # (+1, +1), (+1, -1), (-1, +1), or (-1, -1) pixels # and \Delta v^{(q)} is the same but for shifted flows[:, 0] paddings = tf.constant([[0, 0], [0, 0], [1, 1], [1, 1]]) padded_flows = tf.pad( flows, paddings, padding_mode, constant_values=0, name='padded_flows' ) shifted_flows = [ padded_flows[:, :, 2:, 2:], # bottom right padded_flows[:, :, 2:, :-2], # bottom left padded_flows[:, :, :-2, 2:], # top right padded_flows[:, :, :-2, :-2] # top left ] return tf.reduce_sum( tf.add_n( [ tf.sqrt( # ||\Delta u^{(p)} - \Delta u^{(q)}||_2^2 (flows[:, 1] - shifted_flow[:, 1]) ** 2 + # ||\Delta v^{(p)} - \Delta v^{(q)}||_2^2 (flows[:, 0] - shifted_flow[:, 0]) ** 2 + epsilon # for numerical stability ) for shifted_flow in shifted_flows ] ), axis=[1, 2], name='L_flow' )
[docs]def adv_loss(unscaled_logits, targets, kappa=None): """Computes the adversarial loss. It was first suggested by Carlini and Wagner (arXiv:1608.04644). See also Eq. (3) in Xiao et al. (arXiv:1801.02612). Args: unscaled_logits (tf.Tensor): logits of shape `(B, K)`, where `K` is the number of input classes. targets (tf.Tensor): `1-D` integer-encoded targets of length `B` with value corresponding to the class ID. kappa (tf.Tensor): confidence parameter, see Carlini and Wagner (arXiv:1608.04644). Defaults to 0. Returns: 1-D `tf.Tensor` of length `B` of the same type as `unscaled_logits`. """ if kappa is None: kappa = tf.constant(0., dtype=unscaled_logits.dtype, name='kappa') with tf.variable_scope('adv_loss'): unscaled_logits_shape = tf.shape(unscaled_logits) B = unscaled_logits_shape[0] K = unscaled_logits_shape[1] # first term in L_adv: maximum of the (unscaled) logits except target mask = tf.one_hot( targets, depth=K, on_value=False, off_value=True, dtype='bool' ) logit_wout_target = tf.reshape( tf.boolean_mask(unscaled_logits, mask), (B, K - 1), name='logit_wout_target' ) L_adv_1 = tf.reduce_max(logit_wout_target, axis=1, name='L_adv_1') # second term in L_adv: value of the unscaled logit corresponding to the # target L_adv_2 = tf.diag_part( tf.gather(unscaled_logits, targets, axis=1), name='L_adv_2' ) return tf.maximum(L_adv_1 - L_adv_2, - kappa, name='L_adv')