stadv package

stadv.layers module

stadv.layers.flow_st(images, flows, data_format='NHWC')[source]

Flow-based spatial transformation of images. See Eq. (1) in Xiao et al. (arXiv:1801.02612).

  • images (tf.Tensor) – images of shape (B, H, W, C) or (B, C, H, W) depending on data_format.
  • flows (tf.Tensor) – flows of shape (B, 2, H, W), where the second dimension indicates the dimension on which the pixel shift is applied.
  • data_format (str) – 'NHWC' or 'NCHW' depending on the format of the input images and the desired output.

tf.Tensor of the same shape and type as images.

stadv.losses module

stadv.losses.adv_loss(unscaled_logits, targets, kappa=None)[source]

Computes the adversarial loss. It was first suggested by Carlini and Wagner (arXiv:1608.04644). See also Eq. (3) in Xiao et al. (arXiv:1801.02612).

  • unscaled_logits (tf.Tensor) – logits of shape (B, K), where K is the number of input classes.
  • targets (tf.Tensor) – 1-D integer-encoded targets of length B with value corresponding to the class ID.
  • kappa (tf.Tensor) – confidence parameter, see Carlini and Wagner (arXiv:1608.04644). Defaults to 0.

1-D tf.Tensor of length B of the same type as unscaled_logits.

stadv.losses.flow_loss(flows, padding_mode='SYMMETRIC', epsilon=1e-08)[source]

Computes the flow loss designed to “enforce the locally smooth spatial transformation perturbation”. See Eq. (4) in Xiao et al. (arXiv:1801.02612).

  • flows (tf.Tensor) – flows of shape (B, 2, H, W), where the second dimension indicates the dimension on which the pixel shift is applied.
  • padding_mode (str) –

    how to perform padding of the boundaries of the images. The value should be compatible with the mode argument of tf.pad. Expected values are:

    • 'SYMMETRIC': symmetric padding so as to not penalize a significant flow at the boundary of the images;
    • 'CONSTANT': 0-padding of the boundaries so as to enforce a small flow at the boundary of the images.
  • epsilon (float) – small value added to the argument of tf.sqrt to prevent NaN gradients when the argument is zero.

1-D tf.Tensor of length B of the same type as flows.

stadv.optimization module

stadv.optimization.lbfgs(loss, flows, flows_x0, feed_dict=None, fmin_l_bfgs_b_extra_kwargs=None, sess=None)[source]

Optimize a given loss with (SciPy’s external) L-BFGS-B optimizer. It can be used to solve the optimization problem of Eq. (2) in Xiao et al. (arXiv:1801.02612). See the documentation on scipy.optimize.fmin_l_bfgs_b for reference on the optimizer.

  • loss (tf.Tensor) – loss (can be of any shape).
  • flows (tf.Tensor) – flows of shape (B, 2, H, W), where the second dimension indicates the dimension on which the pixel shift is applied.
  • flows_x0 (np.ndarray) – Initial guess for the flows. If the input is not of type np.ndarray, it will be converted as such if possible.
  • feed_dict (dict) – feed dictionary to the operation (for everything which might be needed to execute the graph beyond the input flows).
  • fmin_l_bfgs_b_extra_kwargs (dict) – extra arguments to scipy.optimize.fmin_l_bfgs_b (e.g. for modifying the stopping condition).
  • sess (tf.Session) – session within which the graph should be executed. If not provided a new session will be started.

Dictionary with keys 'flows' (np.ndarray, estimated flows of the minimum), 'loss' (float, value of loss at the minimum), and 'info' (dict, information summary as returned by scipy.optimize.fmin_l_bfgs_b).